Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not another one!

ok so i know another survey, i SWEAR i will update tomorrow about something better!

Name: Emele G Evans
Age: 156
Height: 8'4"
Hair Color: dark black with green streaks on each side
Eye Color: red (i roll with the vampires using my contacts)

&__School Life

What's your school's mascot? a dang horse
School color(s)? black, green, silver
Who is your favorite teacher? Dr. Maffe
What do they teach? well she now teaches just Honors Chem and AP chem
Is this your favorite class? it was


Do you use any instant messengers? i do, but not often because it makes my computer slow
If so, which ones? i use Facebook chat mostly, i have AIM though but thats the one that makes it slow
About how many hours a day do you spend online? like almost all day, except for when i am in school. its bad. and i dont mean too but i cant do any physical activity.
Do you have a digital camera? fo sho! but it sucks
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online? isnt that a little skankish?
haha if they are ok pictures i may...why do you want to know!?

Do you play any instruments? used to
If so, what one(s)?: piano for about 2 years
3 Favorite Genres Of Music: Jazz, Alternative, Pop/Rock
3 Favorite Bands: Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, and Barneys rock band
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?uhm duh! but not that many, i cant afford them.
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? hmmm...probably around 80
What is the least you've ever spent? 25!!
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny? no! silly
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to? of course! especially since they dont really have clean songs, i still like the beats.
Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29? hu?

&__Word Association

Blue: birds
Camera: flashes
Boy: friend
Pretty: nice
Pants: on fire!
Music: is awesome
Sweater: is warm
Live Journal: whats that?


Do you think labels are dumb? for people, yes, its a little rude.
Why or why not? as i said before, its not nice to label people by the way they look, they could be something totally different on the inside.
What do people label you as? i do not label people! sheesh! im about to label you if you dont shove it!
How/Why did you get this label? oh my gosh! shut the f--
Which Is Worse? i dont understand. Elaborate please.
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain? physical pain is weakness leaving the body
Blink-182/Good Charlotte? neither, but if i had to choose...GC.
Being Deaf/Being Blind? deaf. i can read lips pretty well.
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do? rushing around
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm? well, leg. you could always get a replacement and it would still work. if it was the arm, it would be hard to write.


Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"? i sure do. i cannot explain though.
Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all? better to never loved at all because you dont have to deal with the heartbreak.
Are you romantic? like no other!
Are you in a relationship now? not quite
If so, for how long? 52 years!
If not, how long have you been single? for a while, i cant count right now.
Are you a virgin? why would you ask that!? yes
What song describes your love life right now? "Screw Love" by Josh Hartnet


War: Good or Bad?i do not discuss my beliefs on war.
What do you think of designer labels? some of them are cute, but if its like clothes, then not really. i perfer my originals.
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? well at the moment none. but if i had to choose it would be Paris.
What is it with guys and cars? i think that if they know so much about them, then they have this like sense of feeling smart because they may not be book smart but they are smart at something else...if that made sense
Do you sing? by myself :)
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)? i am an alto all the way!
What color is your room? lime green
How old is your mom? why should you care?
Black and white or color photos? bandw are 10x better! they can have any affect and look great!
Who cuts your hair? a lady...
What color is your toothbrush? white, with multiple colors that i do not know of.
What color is your hair brush? blue
What kind of hair products do you use? shampoo, conditioner, heat protectant, hair dryer, hair tie, bobby pins, straightner.
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart? I think so. I dont have one near me anymore.
Are you sexy? idk?
What color to people tells you looks nice on you? turquoise blue or pink
What color do you think looks nice on you? blues, grays, blacks, and other sorts.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping? grocery, i just go to the magazines.
Who do you sit with at lunch? some people...idk :)
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back? it sounds a lot different played back, so not really
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know? Nicholas Jonas
What is the website for one of your favorite bands?
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you? either same age or about a year older.
Do you listen to songs on repeat often? not really, unless i am in the car and want to hear it again.
Who was the last person you hung out with? my friend Thomas.
What did you and that person do? we sat there restless and sang and had a makeout session. im kidding :)
Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)? yes. not as much as i used to
How often do you bathe? everyday. i used to shower twice a day because i was a germaphobe.
Are you a people-pleaser? i guess...
Do you dye your hair regularly? no, i will never
What about your eyebrows? psh no!
Do you wear makeup? yes i do
If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female? hahaha yes
Do you buy CDs edited or unedited?well if its bad then edited.
Can you beatbox? yes but not like a really good beatboxer can.
Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast? ummm no one does anymore. Just FYI

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